How To Clean Pearls, Opals and Other Fine Jewelry Safely

Jewelry is one of our most intimate and cherished accessories. Elegant pearls, opals and other fine jewelry are beautiful in appearance however it’s very important that you give a thought to its care.

Cleaning jewelry and other gemstones might sound fairly easy, but you also have to be careful that they don’t lose their shine and luster over a period of time. Different stones and gems have their own specific properties that you should keep in mind. The harder the gem the less vulnerable it is to potential damage. If you are unsure about the stone’s delicate state, it is advisable that you speak to your jeweler before you use any home cleaning tools.

Cleaning pearls

Pearls are unique because they are a delicate organic material. Pearls have a certain life span. Unlike diamonds, a pearl’s life span can be shortened if not stored or nurtured with proper care.

  • Firstly, never use anything abrasive to clean pearls. Instead damp the pearls with clean water and use a soft clean cloth to wipe them.
  • Once the pearl is wiped, allow them to dry completely before you put them away.
  • Also make sure that you do not use soap on pearls, because it can dissolve the smooth and reflective outside shell of the pearl.
  • Always store pearls in a clean box and never suffocate them in plastic bags.

Cleaning opals

Opals require special care since they are relatively soft, porous and usually fragile. Never use harsh cleaners on opals. You can either use a soft brush or a clean linen cloth to remove the light amounts of grim on your opal. If you feel that your opal has lost its luster and shine do visit an opal specialist nearby.

Cleaning emeralds

Emerald is less hard than diamonds and requires gentle care. You can dip your emerald in warm lukewarm water and dry it with a clean linen cloth. Once the emerald is dry use a soft smooth brush to clean its hard-to-reach areas. At times, emerald may need to be re-oiled after several years, and this procedure should only be done by a professional.

Cleaning diamonds

Diamonds are the hardest substance known, however it’s important you take proper care of the stone, so that they don’t lose their natural sparkle and shine.

  • If you want to clean your beautiful diamonds, dip them in a warm solution of water and mild detergent for a few minutes.
  • Next gently scrub the diamond with a soft toothbrush.
  • After scrubbing you have to rinse the diamond in plain warm water to remove any remaining detergent.
  • Lastly wipe the diamond dry with a clean cloth.
  • Diamonds that have not been fracture filled can be easily cleaned with an ammonia solution and water. Likewise, use a gentle liquid detergent solution for fracture filled diamonds, since ammonia might gradually either cloud or remove the coating that’s been covered on the stone.

Note: Solutions like chlorine; bleach etc. can discolor your diamond. Hence it’s important that you avoid using harsh solutions while cleaning the diamonds. Also, avoid keeping two diamonds together in a box, since they tend to scratch each other.

General jewelry cleaning tips

First and foremost, never wear jewelry while showering, swimming or sleeping since they are easily prone to scratches and blemishes. Always wear your jewelry once you have completed your make up. Make sure you keep everyday substances like body creams, lotions, hair sprays, and perfumes away from your jewelry, since they make the jewelry look more dull and gloomy.

Few tips to keep in mind while cleaning your jewelry:

  • It’s important that you wash jewelry in a clean bowl and not in the sink so that nothing gets lost down the drain.
  • Clean one piece at a time and avoid applying too much pressure on jewelry while cleaning.
  • Use mild soaps and solutions while cleaning any jewelry.
  • If you are using a tooth brush to clean the miniature areas of jewelry, then make sure the bristles of the brush are soft and smooth.
  • Your jewelry prongs and settings also need to be handled with care, since they might get loose while cleaning.
  • Lastly, don’t dump your jewelry all together in a box. Store your jewelry neatly in a clean box or wrap it in a soft cloth.
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