Resolved to Get a New Job? Here’s Your Job Search To Do List

I have seen way too many discouraged job seekers in recent years. And not just here at home, in Detroit, where the auto industry is truly shaken. Certainly the economy is troubling, but that’s not the main reason I find job seekers are discouraged. I think the internet has created a ‘monster’ of a problem for job seekers.

The beauty of internet job search sites is that they give you instant access to a large list of opportunities. The ease factor is very appealing. You can upload your resume and pop your resume off to dozens of potential employers with a simple click of a button.

But the truth is, this gives job seekers a false sense of hope. After you hit ‘send’ what happens? Usually, nothing. And that’s the problem. The fastest way to lose motivation and become discouraged is to hear absolutely…nothing.

The other problem I have with internet based job searches is that they cause people to jump into action and apply for a wide variety of things (many of which they are not even qualified for or interested in). This ‘buffet o’ jobs’ causes applicants to become unfocused and generic.

Until you are absolutely clear about what your ideal job is and have positioned yourself to get it, you are going to struggle in this job market. Today’s job market is competitive and you’ve got to have a game plan that’ll get you noticed quickly.

There are good jobs to be had out there. And you can get one. But you’ve really got to step up and take control of your search. You simply can’t afford to hide behind your computer and wait.

So, if you are truly committed to landing your ideal job, let’s get busy! Here is your Dream Job To Do list:


Undertaking a job search requires three things–clarity, focus, energy. And yet, most job seekers find all three in short supply! So, the first step is to do some internal (and, if necessary, external) housekeeping. Clear the mental cobwebs, clean up a few things that are draining your time and energy, and clear some space in your calendar so that you have consistent, focused time to work on your search each week.


Write out your ideal job description in as much detail as you can. This step is about looking inward at what you most want. It is NOT about looking at what’s out there and trying to force fit yourself into something. Don’t stop yourself with limiting beliefs like ‘this job doesn’t exist’ or ‘I’m not qualified’. Not yet. This is a time to get crystal clear about what it would take for you to really love your work. In the job market you can find just about anything. But, only to the extent you are clear about what works for you first. An unclear candidate usually gets unclear results (in my 12 years of hiring people, I NEVER hired someone for our best jobs who wasn’t crystal clear about what they wanted, how the job I had available fit, and why they were qualified for it).


This is the time to get on the computer (and probably one of the few times I’ll recommend you spend any time on it). Take keywords from your ideal job description and type them into the online job search boards. Don’t worry about location or anything else–you’re not looking for jobs to apply for just yet. You are looking for ‘model’ job descriptions that align with your ideal job description. Once you have 3-5 sample descriptions that excite you, stop the research.


Scan the model job descriptions for themes, trends and key-words. What are the top 5 competencies they are looking for? How do you align with those? How do your talents, interests, experiences and strengths fit? What kind of transferable skills do you have? Use this information to create your top 5 key messages and then weave these into every piece of your job search strategy–your networking messages, your cover letter, your resume, your thank you letter, your interview responses. Position yourself as the ideal candidate for this type of job.


According to research (as noted by Richard Bolles’s What Color is Your Parachute” ) the top 5 most effective job search strategies are:

  1. Ask for leads from friends, family, recruiters and associates. (33{cdfd5c242cd4233f882ff1fa026c9071620bd8dd4765ec092723df7e7de4aa19} success rate)
  2. Knock on doors of employers that interest you regardless of whether they have a posted vacancy (only about 40{cdfd5c242cd4233f882ff1fa026c9071620bd8dd4765ec092723df7e7de4aa19} of all available jobs get posted publicly anyway). (47{cdfd5c242cd4233f882ff1fa026c9071620bd8dd4765ec092723df7e7de4aa19} success rate)
  3. Call employers that interest you and find out if they are hiring for someone with your talents. (69{cdfd5c242cd4233f882ff1fa026c9071620bd8dd4765ec092723df7e7de4aa19} success rate)
  4. Work with a mastermind group or accountability group of other job hunters and apply some of these methods collectively. (84{cdfd5c242cd4233f882ff1fa026c9071620bd8dd4765ec092723df7e7de4aa19} success rate)
  5. Choose places where you want to work (based on your inner knowledge of who you are, what environment works best for you, and your research of companies who match that profile). Seek out the actual hiring decision maker and demonstrate that you can help them solve their problems or achieve their goals. (86{cdfd5c242cd4233f882ff1fa026c9071620bd8dd4765ec092723df7e7de4aa19} success rate)

Need help with this process? Sign up for my 5 part teleclass on “How to Land Your Ideal Job NOW!” and get the support and accountability you need to put these ideas into action.


This article may be reproduced, in its entirety, along with the following information:

© 2006, Shawn Driscoll, Succeed Coaching & Development.

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